Presence Matters

A rainbow among storm clouds.

Finding Calm Amid Chaos

October 02, 20242 min read
A rainbow among storm clouds.

Finding Your Purpose Through It All

The atmosphere in the world right now feels chaotic to me.

I have friends who openly admit they are scared.

I know other people who have simply stuck their heads in the sand and are waiting for Nov 5th to pass.

Clients are coming in anxious and needing to talk about their spouses or neighbors who are openly spouting propaganda and spreading fear.

We are at a crossroads in our democracy and being deeply concerned for our nation is appropriate right now.

But that is not what I want to focus on in this newsletter.

All of the above is true, and many are feeling helpless to do anything about it. It feels TOO BIG. There is TOO MUCH we are not in control of.

But when we recognize that, we can choose a path through our lives, rather than diving into addictions or finding ourselves feeling overwhelmed.

What I see fundamentally is that we are being sucked out of ourselves and into the fray, when we most need to remain grounded and clear thinking inside our bodies - feeling the power that each of us possesses.


Clear thinking.

Feeling what is yours to do at a soul level at this time in history.

I know what is mine to do.

I have partnered with the Shift Network and created a weekly online course to help others find their calm place, to be able to think more clearly, to stay grounded and able to step into their power.

I have taken the gems from my 40 years of teaching these skills and tools and have applied them in this course.

The seven-module course began this week – what a wonderful gathering it was! And you can still join us if you choose to – but please do so soon so you can catch up and won’t miss out on anything!

Yesterday we began with learning some easy tools for relaxing your nervous system daily and finding your place of inner calmness again.

We will meet again next Tuesday afternoon at 4pm ET – and I invite you to join us as we create a safe space together - of grounded, empowered, clear thinking for what action is yours to take at this time in history.

The antidote to fear and paralysis is taking action - getting moving.

What is yours to do?

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About the Author

Suzanne Scurlock, author of books Reclaiming Your Body and Full Body Presence and creator of the Healing From the Core® curriculum, specializes in conscious awareness and its relationship to the healing process. She’s written hundreds of articles, including numerous columns and features for Massage Magazine and Massage Today.

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