(for in-person healing sessions)
Certified Master Practitioners of Healing From the Core® are Certified Practitioners of HFC who have completed additional advanced training in their program, including the Self Healing From the Core® curriculum.
Certified Practitioners of Healing From the Core® have successfully completed the requirements to be a certified in-person therapist.
(for healing sessions at a distance)
Certified Master Practitioners of Distance Healing From the Core® are Certified Practitioners of DHFC who have successfully completed additional advanced training in their program, including the Self Healing From the Core® curriculum.
Certified Practitioners of Healing From the Core® have successfully completed the requirements to be a certified in-person therapist.
During the pandemic, Healing From the Core shifted gears and created a Distance Healing From the Core certification program for hands-on bodyworkers and therapists who needed to work virtually.
Now that circumstances have changed, we are returning to having Healing From the Core as our flagship certification program that includes both Certified and Master Practitioners.
When you look at our practitioner list, if you see some with a Distance Healing Certification, this means they were active during the pandemic and achieved their certification during this time period. At this time, we are phasing out further Distance Healing From the Core certifications. Everyone already in the process has until September 1st 2023 to complete it. After that date, the Healing From the Core certification and Master certification will become primary again.
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West/Southwestern U.S.
Midwestern U.S.
Northeastern U.S.
Southeastern U.S.
International Practitioner†
International Practitioner
Fluent in Spanish
(Neuchâtel, Switzerland)
Paragraph 1 All the quotes in this journal are taken from Suzanne's transformational books - Reclaiming Your Body and Full Body Presence. It is our hope that these quotes inspire you to explore how nurturing a healthy relationship with your body, mind, and soul allows you to reclaim lost parts of yourself, tap into your body’s wisdom, and better navigate your life. And enjoy!
Paragraph 2
Para 3 All the quotes in this journal are taken from Suzanne's transformational books - Reclaiming Your Body and Full Body Presence. It is our hope that these quotes inspire you to explore how nurturing a healthy relationship with your body, mind, and soul allows you to reclaim lost parts of yourself, tap into your body’s wisdom, and better navigate your life. And enjoy!
Email Cindy, call her at +41789066547 or visit her IAHP profile.
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(Neuchâtel, Switzerland)
Cindy Ballaman is a certified CranioSacral Diplomate through the Upledger Institute, a master certified practitioner for Healing from the Core® and Distance Healing from the Core®, as well as being a licensed Massage Therapist and Reflexologist in Switzerland with 15 years of experience.
Cindy discovered Distance Healing from the Core while living on Cayman Island. Speaking 7 languages (English, French, German, Swiss-German, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese) she is deeply touched to meet people where they are, offering worldwide Distance Healing From the Core sessions. She loves the power of SomatoEmotional Release.
Her passion is in being curious and open to discovery, holding a therapeutic space as people connect more deeply with themselves.
Some of Cindy’s favorite ways to stay grounded and present are walking in mountains, running in nature, swimming in lakes & rivers, dancing and body movements expression.
Email Cindy, call her at +41789066547 or visit her IAHP profile.
(Cleveland, OH)
Beth Ann's experience with HFC dates back to 2011, when she participated in the Healing the Pelvic Floor course at Esalen. The experience was so profound that she went on to complete the entire HFC curriculum.
In 2015 she began serving as a teaching assistant with the HFC advanced curriculum, as well as the women’s courses.
Wanting to expand and deepen her skills for supporting individuals and groups in personal healing journeys, Beth Ann entered a Gestalt Training Program in 2018, completing it in the spring of 2020.
The melding of her experiences and training with HFC and Gestalt allow Beth Ann to hold a solid, grounded and safe space for individual and group explorations and healing processes.
Email Beth Ann or call her at 216-374-1469.
(Hockessin, DE)
Tamara is a compassionate healer who combines many modalities with a working knowledge of Healing From the Core principles.
A Chiropractic Physician in private practice since 1990, her goal is to provide optimal care for patients.
Her background includes teaching, CranioSacral therapy, Visceral Manipulation, functional medicine, and prenatal and pediatric care.
Her intuitive approach to bodywork integrates physical and emotional aspects of health. Setting up Movement for Well Being, wellness classes at her office, has added another dimension to her practice.
This has created a space for individuals to deepen therapeutic presence and create healthy boundaries, which includes a monthly HFC support circle.
Tamara lives and works in Delaware. View her IAHP profile, Email Tamara or visit Hockessin Chiropractic Care.