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A blue and black butterfly spreads its wings as it clings to its open cocoon.

In-Person or at a Distance

About Our Healing From the Core® Practitioners

(for in-person healing sessions)


Certified Practitioners of Healing From the Core® have successfully completed the requirements to be a certified in-person therapist.

About Our Distance Healing From the Core® Practitioners

(for healing sessions at a distance)


Certified Practitioners of Healing From the Core® have successfully completed the requirements to be a certified in-person therapist.

During the pandemic, Healing From the Core shifted gears and created a Distance Healing From the Core certification program for hands-on bodyworkers and therapists who needed to work virtually.

Now that circumstances have changed, we are returning to having Healing From the Core as our flagship certification program that includes both Certified and Master Practitioners.

When you look at our practitioner list, if you see some with a Distance Healing Certification, this means they were active during the pandemic and achieved their certification during this time period. At this time, we are phasing out further Distance Healing From the Core certifications. Everyone already in the process has until September 1st 2023 to complete it. After that date, the Healing From the Core certification and Master certification will become primary again.

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Midwestern U.S.

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Northeastern U.S.

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Southeastern U.S.

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International Practitioner

International Practitioner

(Based outside of North America)

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Fluent in Spanish

Based outside of North America

(Neuchâtel, Switzerland)

(Neuchâtel, Switzerland)

Cindy Ballaman, LMT, CST-D

(Neuchâtel, Switzerland)

Beth Ann Benetz

(Cleveland, OH)

Tamara Blossic, D.C.

(Hockessin, DE)
