Courses for Everyone

Trainings for Every-Body!

Tap Into Your Body's Deep Wisdom with Full Body Presence®

Trainings for Every-Body!

Tap Into Your Body's Deep Wisdom with Full Body Presence®

Self Healing From the Core®

Presence Training for Everyone

Our Self Healing From the Core courses are for everyone who wants to:

  • Be more grounded, present in each moment, with healthy boundaries, more resilience, and more access to your creativity and joy
  • Have better outcomes with those in need around you, so you are not drained by stressful situations
  • Rejuvenate in healthy, life-giving ways!

Emerge with a Deeper Sense of Who You are at a Soul Level

Expanding Present Moment


On Demand

Step Fully into the Present Moment as you Let Go of Unhealthy Connections, DNA Memory and Lineage Trauma

Now Available On Demand on the Healing From the Core® OTC

Learn More and Register

Reclaiming Your


On Demand

Learn how to Hold with Compassion, Heal and Integrate the parts of you that may have been lost, traumatized, compartmentalized, disowned, or simply left behind – So you can Reclaim your Heart, your Gut, your Bones and all the other Wisdom areas within,,,

Learn More and Register

Soul Embodiment®

On Demand

Do you want to live life authentically from the inside out, aligned with your Soul’s purpose? The Soul Embodiment System® is the key to unlocking a life that reflects the abundance of your inner being. 

Now Available On Demand on the Healing From the Core® OTC

Learn More and Register

Release and Renewal

New Year Retreat

Live Online – January 3 - 5, 2025  

Release & Renewal New Year Retreat: Transforming Your Life Story

Join Suzanne Scurlock and physician and master storyteller, Dr. Joel Ying, as they share the tools to rewrite your life’s script to align with your soul’s story.

January 3-5, 2025
Live Online, 3 days from 1-5PM Eastern, Recorded.

Learn More and Register

Healing the Pelvic Core™

For Women

An Exclusive Retreat for Women!

Reclaim the Creative Power of Being a Woman

2024 Available now!

Take Me to the Full Details!

Healing the Pelvic Core™

For Women

An Exclusive Retreat for Women!

Reclaim the Creative Power of Being a Woman

2024 Available now