Frequently Asked Questions

Abstract blue watercolors on a white canvas

We've got A's for your Q's

FAQ: Suzanne Scurlock

Can you recommend a CranioSacral Therapist?

Suzanne highly recommends the Find a Practitioner search tool of the International Alliance of Healthcare Practitioners.

Be sure to also check whether any of our Certified Practitioners near you are also CSTs.

Is Suzanne accepting new clients in her private practice?

If you are new to Suzanne's practice and would like to schedule a private session, please fill out the form on this page. She will contact you and do a brief consult to assess your therapeutic fit in her practice.

Did Suzanne change her name?

Suzanne changed her professional name in the second half of 2018 from Suzanne Scurlock-Durana, back to Suzanne Scurlock.

FAQ: Programs & Courses

What's the difference between the 2 Healing From the Core® Programs?

Healing From the Core® is tailored to professionals: hands-on bodyworkers, acupuncturists, OTs, PTs, counselors, coaches, and therapists who can deepen their therapeutic presence within their practice, whether that’s in-person or virtual. It includes hands-on exercises that you can start using in your practice the same day.

Self Healing From the Core® is for everyone who wants to use the tools of Healing From the Core in their daily lives, both for personal growth and to deepen their connections with family, friends, and others. This curriculum is all about You: Your grounding, your presence, your personal growth and healing, your expansion of consciousness, and more! Every course is designed to help you take your personal awareness and healing to the next level.

How is Healing From the Core® different from Developing and Deepening CranioSacral Presence (Upledger Institute)?

Healing From the Core® and Self Healing From the Core® were all birthed from a training that was originally designed with healthcare professionals—and CranioSacral Therapists in particular—in mind. Today its audiences includes a broad spectrum of people and professionals, including teachers, parents and other caregivers, business managers and leaders, healthcare professionals and members of the lay public.

Our curricula includes in-depth exploration of topics such as holding a healing space for another person, projection and shadow, the use of breath and movement for centering, and releasing impediments to full body presence.

Developing and Deepening CranioSacral Presence (DDCSP – Upledger Institute) takes this foundational material and tailors it to the specific needs of CranioSacral Therapists. This cutting edge workshop combines hands-on protocols and therapeutic presence, teaching therapists how to cultivate their personal navigational fields for more effective treatment outcomes for whatever client population a therapist may work with.

What courses meet the pre-requisite for the Immersion Courses?

Students who have completed any one of the following courses are now eligible to register for our Advanced Immersion (Level 1) courses:

• Healing From the Core® or Distance Healing From the Core®

• Full Body Presence: Grounding and Healthy Boundaries

• Developing and Deepening CranioSacral Presence (UI/IAHE)

• Leadership and Presence (Esalen Institute)

• Supporting the Compassionate Heart (HFC Year-Long)

I have questions about the Certification Programs.

We offer two Certification Programs for professionals using this work: Go Solo and Get Priceless Support. Learn more about these two certification tracks.

How Long Will I Have Access to an Online Course?

They’re yours for life ... for as long as we host our courses on our current platform. And we have no plans to change.

Are live online courses recorded? Will there be replays?

Yes! Our live courses are recorded and each day’s content will be uploaded a few hours later. So if necessary, you can watch it that night or the next morning before the next day of training begins. You'll also have full replay access should you be unable to attend live due to different time zones or other commitments.

We’ll have quizzes to check that you watched the videos so we know that you completed the material. The recordings will be up within a few hours of each training day’s end.

For live courses where we offer CEs, make arrangements to attend live.

Your Agreement to the Use of Audio/Video:

Aside from breakout rooms, every class we teach online is recorded for future use.

If you do not want audio or video of you included in our recordings, you will need to turn off your microphone or webcam.

Instead, you may submit training questions to us by email. We will answer in the class without referencing your name.

Leaving your audio or video on grants us permission to use your voice and likeness in diverse educational settings that use these recordings.

Please contact us before participating in a class if you have any questions.

I need to cancel a course. What is your refund policy?

Healing From the Core® and Distance Healing From the Core® Trainings:

Our “Rest Easy” Money-Back Guarantee —

We want you to feel 100% secure in the investment you’re making in your future.

Simply attend the entire first day of training — and participate in every exercise and activity.

Then if you don’t see how what you’re going to learn will enhance your ability to help your clients … anywhere in the world …

Send us an email no later than midnight U.S. Eastern Time on the first night of training and request a refund.

A $50 administrative fee will be charged.

All other trainings

Be sure to read the specific cancellation policy for your course on the course information page before you register, as it can vary. While we do our best to accommodate changes for our students, a $50 cancellation or transfer fee may apply. Please contact the office through which you registered for the course.

And remember, if it's simply a matter of timing, you can remain in the course and watch the replays.

FAQ: Certification

Who is the Certification Program for?

The Certification Track is for you if you want to become:

• A Certified Practitioner of Healing From the Core®

• A Master Certified Practitioner of Healing From the Core®

What differentiates Healing From the Core® Practitioners from Distance Healing From the Core® Practitioners?

Both HFC and DHFC Practitioners use the same Healing From the Core® Method. However, HFC Practitioners use it with clients in-person while DHFC Practitioners use it with clients at a distance.

What are the training requirements to get certified in Healing From the Core®?

You’ll need to take Healing From the Core® and all 10 Advanced Immersion Trainings. For all of these classes, you’ll need to pass a quiz with a score of 70% or better.

In addition to the training, there are other requirements. You’ll see those under the question: “Besides the training classes, what are the other requirements to become Certified?”

Do I need to enroll in your Group Mentoring Program to become Certified?

It’s not required, but we highly recommend it if you want to become masterful at facilitating Distance Healing From the Core®.

Please Note: We do not currently offer a Mentoring Group for Healing From the Core® in-person practitioners.

Besides the training classes, what are the other requirements to become Certified?

To become a Certified Practitioner you must:

  • Take either HFC and pass a quiz with a score of 70% or better.

  • Take all 10 Advanced Immersion Trainings and pass a quiz for each one with a score of 70% or better.

  • Read both of these books by Suzanne Scurlock:

1. Full Body Presence: Learning to Listen to Your Body’s Wisdom

2. Reclaiming Your Body: Healing From Trauma and Awakening to Your Body’s Wisdom

  • Send us all together: an audio or video recording of you facilitating a 30-minute distance session (including a 5-minute Ground and Fill), and 3 case narratives using a template we’ll provide.

  • Sign a licensing agreement and submit $97 USD annually to cover the review of your materials and to maintain your Certification status.

This licensing agreement gives you permission to:

  1. Use the Certified or Master Certified Practitioner title and emblem

  2. Be listed on the Healing From the Core® website

  3. Be featured in the Healing From the Core® newsletter

  4. Get access to Quarterly Inner Circle Calls

  5. Get access to Done-For-You Marketing Templates

  6. Get access to any updates we make to the curriculum

You’ll receive a printable Checklist to help you keep track of the requirements.

Do you have a visual flowchart of the requirements for Certification?

We sure do! Use the button below to view it.

What benefit do I get by being on the Certification Track?

You get access to Done-For-You Marketing Templates you can use right away to attract new clients and grow your healing practice. You also receive discounts on Self Healing From the Core® courses (and sometimes other opportunities as well).

Are the course quizzes difficult?

Not at all. The questions aren’t designed to stump you. They’re simply there to give us proof that you watched the training.

This is important for both your Certification and if you choose to get CEs from the National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork (NCBTMB). (The NCBTMB will not approve any trainings on distance work at this time. However, Healing From the Core On Demand is approved, and we are in the process of acquiring CE approvals for all of the Immersion courses.)

What should I write in the case narratives?

You’ll have a template to follow in your Online Training Center.

In a nutshell, here’s what we want to know …

  • Date of Session

  • First Name of Client

  • Presenting Problem

  • Give a brief description of how you proceeded. And WHY you chose the direction you did.

  • The Outcome

  • What You Believe You Did Well

  • What You’d Like to Improve On

What do I include in my Session Recording?!

You’ll have access to a one-page handout with Session Evaluation Criteria in the Online Training Center, and a short video by Suzanne to answer the most commonly asked questions about it.

Do I have to be Certified as a Practitioner of HFC first before I can apply to become Master Certified?


What other requirements do I need to complete to get Master Certified?

In addition to being a Certified Practitioner, you’ll need to take these additional advanced trainings and pass a quiz for each one with a score of 70% or better:

3 Master-Level Immersion Trainings:

  1. Dialoguing 2

  2. Energy Signature 2

  3. Trauma Recovery 2

    3 Self Healing From the Core Trainings

    1. Soul Embodiment®

    2. Reclaiming Your Body

    3. Expanding Present-Moment Consciousness

You’ll also need to fulfill these requirements:

  • Complete an interview or a session with a Healing From the Core® instructor.

  • Sign the licensing agreement and submit the low annual licensing investment.

How long do I have to get Certified?

You can stay on the Certification Track for up to 3 years to complete all the requirements.

What if I don't pass for Certification when I apply?

Everyone receives a thoughtful evaluation of their Certification Application with recognition of your strengths, and recommendations for improvement. If you do not pass a portion of your application, you can resubmit that part of it. You won't have to replay the $97 Licensing fee, however there is a $50 fee for each resubmission, to cover the time and attention provided by your expert application Reviewer.

FAQ: The OTC (Online Training Center)

What is the OTC?

"OTC" is short for "Online Training Center", which is your one-stop spot to access all of the following:

  • Our online courses and course materials,

  • Digital products (audio book and series, video series, etc.), and

  • Our information center for cold laser purchasers.

The OTC is hosted on the Webbed Presence PRO platform.

Where is the OTC?

Be sure to bookmark this page:

You'll also find several links to it from the menus of this website, as well as a handy link or two in the footer at the bottom of every page.

I'm new to your OTC and have never used it before. How do I access my course and/or media purchase?

When you first register for a course, you'll receive an email with your login information.

If you haven't received the link, please check for the delivery email in your junk folder, or if you use gmail, in your social and promotions tabs before contacting us.

When you register for a new course or purchase a new online product, it will be automatically added to your account. The next time you log in, you'll see it!

I already have an account. How do I add new courses and/or audio and video series to it?

You're absolutely right — you only need to create one account!

When you register for a new course or purchase a new online product, it will be automatically added to your account. The next time you log in, you'll see it!

I tried to access my OTC account from the Webbed Presence PRO (WPPro) homepage, but I'm unable to log in. What's happening?

Login anytime at and be sure to bookmark this url. It is the only way to access our course portal. WPPro is the system it's housed on.

I haven't received my course info yet.

If you do not receive a course confirmation email in your Inbox within 10 minutes of registration, please check your spam folder. (And if you use gmail, please check your your promotions and social tabs. Moving our messages to your Primary tab lets gmail know you want to receive them.)

The OTC says I’m only X% complete but I took the whole course. Why is that?

The percentage of the course is merely a count of how many pages you have marked as complete in the Online Training Center, which is not a requirement for any of our live courses currently. So assuming you are asking about a live online course, there's no need to worry about it.

(For most of our on demand courses, you must complete each page to move through the course. Instructions are within the course.)

FAQ: Product Orders

How do I access the audios and videos that are part of my purchase?

Please see the section in this FAQ about our Online Training Center.

I have one of Suzanne's books. How do I get the free audio downloads?

Visit Book Downloads. Each book's accompanying Audio Explorations are our gift to you to help you practice and incorporate the tools presented in these books for connecting deeply with your inner wisdom. Enjoy!

Do you still offer CDs and DVDs?

No. Even if we did, our products are in an antiquated format that no longer works in the vast majority of modern CD and DVD players.

Fortunately, all of our well-known audio and video products are either already available online, or are in the process of being remastered for future online accessibility.

If you use a modern smart phone, laptop or desktop computer with access to high speed internet, you can access your purchase from our Online Training Center and either watch/listen streaming online, or download the files directly onto your device.

To learn more, please see the section in this FAQ about our Online Training Center.

Are your cold lasers really brand new and under the factory's one-year warranty?

😄 Yes!

And, To make you as confident as possible in your investment, your laser carries a 3-day money-back guarantee.

Once you receive the device, if you decide not to use it, just be sure to ship it back to us with a postmark within 3 days of receiving it. Your investment will be covered 100%.

Global health regulations and medical-device hygiene regulations prevent us from accepting the return of any devices once they’ve been used on the body.

The good news is, you also have a 1-year manufacturer’s warranty that protects you and your laser.

If at any point in the first year your laser malfunctions, all you need to do is send it to the factory for repair. It’s covered 100%.

And, we'll provide you with booklets, instructional and informative videos, and answers to our customer's most common questions from within our Cold Laser Online Training Center created just for you. You'll receive access when you complete your purchase.

Has my cold laser and/or QiFi unit order shipped?

We do our best to keep you informed about shipping your order. If you have not heard from us with an update or shipping confirmation within 2 business days of placing your order, feel free to contact us.

(We also suggest checking your junk mail folder, and/or your promotions or social tabs in gmail, in case we sent and update that was routed there by your email provider.)

How quickly do cold laser orders ship?

When in stock, cold lasers and QiFi units are shipped within 2 business days from the time of purchase. Occasionally, we sell out while awaiting our next shipment from the manufacturer. If we are temporarily out of stock when your order is placed, we will email you with an update and work to ship your order to you as quickly as possible.

What is your International shipping policy for cold lasers and QiFi purifiers?

We only ship to the US and Canada at this time.

What is your Domestic (US and Canada) shipping policy for cold lasers and QiFi purifiers?

Cold lasers and QiFi units are shipped via domestic USPS Priority Mail with included tracking, full insurance, and signature-required delivery.

By using this site and making a purchase from us, you agree to our Terms and Conditions.

How do I purchase Suzanne's books in bulk for my business?

We're glad you asked! Information is on our Professional Resources page.

I haven't received my product or product info yet.

If you do not receive a product email with information about your purchase and/or a link to your product in your Inbox within 10 minutes of purchase, please check your spam folder. (And if you use gmail, please check your your promotions and social tabs. Moving our messages to your Primary tab lets gmail know you want to receive them.)

© 1996-2025 All Rights Reserved

Healing From the Core®, Full Body Presence®, Soul Embodiment®, and Soul Embodiment System® are Federally Registered Trademarks of Suzanne Scurlock.

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