Fueling Your Hearts Deepest Inspirations

February is the American Heart Health month as well as having Valentine’s Day, so our focus today is on this important part of being human.
Poets and philosophers - as well the health care community - all support the idea that the heart is a vitally important part of who we are....and yet the amount of heart disease and cardiac health issues, as well as the emotional heart ache many suffer from right now is taking its toll...
So, as February draws to a close my message to you is one of hope and support.
How to support your heart physically.
How to support your heart emotionally.
How to offer your heart the energy it desires in order for you to live out your soul’s inspirations that are often born deep in the heart.
Within the inner wisdom of the body each of us holds the capacity for connections that can move us beyond our current limitations and into a life with more vitality and joy.
The pelvis and the heart hold one of the most potent partnerships in our system.
And yet, we so rarely access and nurture this connection due to a whole multitude of issues – mostly having to do with the pelvis.
Cultural and religious beliefs about the pelvis
Physical injury to the pelvis
Sexual trauma
Lack of circulation due to a sedentary lifestyle
All of these and others can essentially lock us out of this incredible innate power source we all have – as the pelvis is the engine of the body.
What can be done to remedy this? So that each of us can heal the rift and nourish this invaluable partnership?
My colleague, Jeanne Spadaccini, a physical therapist with a specialty in pelvic health, has what she calls the Three Cs of Pelvic Health. Let’s explore them here:
1. Curiosity: this attribute can be the antidote to a strong or rigidly held belief about your pelvis. Perhaps the kind of thing I grew up with as the daughter of a Baptist minister. Most of us have our own unique cultural or religious limiting beliefs about embodying here and feeling alive in our pelvis.
To invoke or cultivate your curiosity, allow yourself to contemplate and answer the following two questions:
What if what I was taught (and have believed) about my pelvis is only partially true - or not true at all?
What would my world look like if I had a more friendly relationship with my pelvis?
You can journal or simply contemplate the answers and meditate on them.
2. Circulation: means that the physical flow of energy is happening in a healthy way for you (your cardiovascular system, your nervous system and your lymph system being the main three.)
The two questions to answer here are:
Do you have a daily exercise or movement practice that gets your physical system in motion in such a way that you feel more alive when you are done?
Do you have a healthy sex life with a partner or with yourself?
Again, you can journal or contemplate the answers you receive to these questions.
3. Compassion: do you have a gentle, kind attitude toward yourself and the world that allows you to misstep and get back on track without lots of judgment and self-recrimination for your mistakes? We all make mistakes and those who have more joy in life are those who can let go and perhaps laugh at themselves or a situation that did not end well.
The two questions to answer here are:
Can I cultivate the ability to forgive myself and let go of stuff that did not go well?
Can I forgive others for times where they messed up where I am concerned?
This last topic is one with a lot of nuance in it. Forgiveness comes only in right time and is primarily for you, the one doing the forgiving – so you are no longer carrying the weight of the judgment and anger. However, as you move toward forgiveness a lot of energy is freed up along the way to help the journey.
Once these three have been thoroughly explored, then go to my short free exploration to ground and fill.
Then place a hand on your heart and pelvis and set the intention that the two of them become partners and friends. Feel the energy between them growing.
If this is difficult for you, and you would like assistance to get started, there is a whole team of HFC Practitioners who know how to guide you home to this wonderful, natural connection that can bring you so much more energy and joy in your life.
This energy is meant to fuel your heart’s deepest inspirations – the ones your soul wants to share, so that your unique gifts can be manifest in the world.
And, right now the world needs all the love and compassion we each can bring forward....so please...step into yours!