Presence Matters

An image of a person's legs in jeans and boots walking toward the sun through a field.

Deeper Life Connections – Making, Nurturing and Growing Them

September 02, 20232 min read
An image of a person's legs in jeans and boots walking toward the sun through a field.

The air wafting in through the screen door has a pleasant coolness this morning – Autumn is arriving here in Reston, VA and I am thrilled.

This past summer has hammered us with so many unknowns that I feel compelled to deepen the thread we began last month – how do we connect with what brings us meaning and joy in a time so fraught with stress and schedules that are so full?

Back-to-school issues, job and health challenges and weather patterns that throw us off kilter and drain us – all come to mind immediately. This is a time when we can find ourselves mindlessly buried in it all.

It can also be time to slow down, reassess where you are, and step purposefully into the coming months and year.

For me it is a time to listen to my body and follow the quickening I feel with the cooler air. I love to be out in nature whenever possible and this time of year calls me to put on my walking shoes and head out.

I also remember that as I walk, I am digesting all that has occurred in the heat and rush of the last few months – so I can take wise action moving forward in my life.

This is the gift that the wisdom of our Legs and Feet give us – the gift of metabolizing vast amounts of data and events – be they deep losses or huge joys, be they unknown challenges showing up on our doorstep one morning, or be they simply the huge volume of stuff that must be done…

All of this can be digested and metabolized allowing us to come to wise decisions and actions as we move forward in our lives…




Step by step.

Breathing deeply and fully as we go.

Allowing the wisdom from deep within us to emerge from the chaos of life.

These times are ripe with possibilities for deeper connection to those around us – from our loved ones to those we meet and see day-to-day.

Let’s slow down and get clear so we can make, nurture and grow what feeds our soul.

It’s time…

Read on for our gatherings that are on the horizon – some close and some farther away – to help you join with others – some in person and some online - making those connections that nurture you, teach you and grow you into more of who you want to be.

Please join me!

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About the Author

Suzanne Scurlock, author of books Reclaiming Your Body and Full Body Presence and creator of the Healing From the Core® curriculum, specializes in conscious awareness and its relationship to the healing process. She’s written hundreds of articles, including numerous columns and features for Massage Magazine and Massage Today.

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