Spring Has Arrived – Bringing Growth and New Life!

I have just returned from a week of celebrating my mom’s 94th birthday.
It was a rich time of gathering and full of the energy of Love.
When we asked her what her secret was to such healthy longevity, she replied simply,
“I am here to continue to support those in my world by radiating love and compassion – and it seems to me I am still needed on the planet, so I think I will stick around for a little while longer.”
She is a teacher for us all – and continues to guide me. She is inspiring because of the beauty, clarity and simplicity of her mission and her life.

Whenever I start to get all tangled up in the details of mine, I do my best to stop, rest back deep into my bones, ground myself and ask,
“Does this task that I am doing reflect my mission? Am I radiating love and compassion as I teach others to do the same?”
That question always returns me to my Source…to the Love that permeates my heart and on out into all the cells of my body…and the compassion it brings with it…
Let me be clear. Both of us are still human. We snap at times. Those around us can attest to our blind spots and foibles.
So, if you were about to see glowing halos around us, please don’t.
However, returning to the Source of who I am is my most important guiding light – and in times like these that guidance is most welcome.
Welcome to Spring – it always brings us change and a lot of it – new life – shifting landscapes, family dynamics, at work and at play…
Mother Nature here in the northern hemisphere is busting out all over even as our inner rhythms are pushing us to get up, get out, take action…the surge of energy is palpable and a natural part of life here on Planet Earth…
But what if you are feeling out of sync with this push to grow and move?
What if you feel as though you are living a life that is not yours?
What if the last 3 years have left you feeling stuck and unsure of what is “yours to do”? Perhaps you or someone close to you had COVID or has been changed by the pandemic in some other negative way, and has not been the same since? It is particularly painful to feel stuck or out of sync in a season like this.
In tumultuous times like these, to remember the Love in your heart is vital.
To nurture yourself daily is everything.
So that the oasis within can bubble up again and again.
Feeding you – and those you love and care about in your world.
Our mission here at Healing From the Core has been to facilitate the return to the love that we are – the journey home to ourselves - that each of us is engaged in right now in some way.
Life is waiting for you… and we are creating a lot to support your healing journey when you are ready.
Some of what awaits you is free.
Some is newly organized and clarified to help you move forward with grace and ease… perhaps to get HFC certified, and dive in more deeply - if your life’s purpose, like ours - is to be a compassionate, loving presence in the world – and to do all of this while thriving!
Come join us and let’s ride the energy of Spring together.
There is something for almost everyone in these offerings – so read on below and hopefully we’ll see you there.