Connecting with Love During the Holidays

As we enter the Winter Holiday season, I find myself wanting to hug whoever is willing.
Oh, how I wish that warm emotions and physical nurturing were more available during these December holidays which are often so laden with too many expectations, stifling family traditions, disappointments and reminders of times past. All of these can keep us from remembering what makes us hum in deep and joyful ways.
This year I am updating my priorities and making every effort I can to create healthy connections – in short, I am putting my time and energy into practices that feed my heart and bring smiles to those in my world – my family, my clients, my students, and my inner circle of friends.
I am spending time with those who have kind words and inspiring dreams. Nothing better to me than helping someone expand into all of who they are in terms of their gifts and their soul’s path.
I am also spending time with those who need and want my love and tender care. Friends recovering from scary medical procedures. Those worried about upcoming health and emotional issues in their lives.
In addition to being there for others, I am also taking the time to reach out when I need support. This lesson has been hard won but important. Saying, “I need your help,” has never been easy for me. But I am learning.
This past year has been full of daunting times; physical and emotional challenges I have never faced before. Lots of opportunities to grow...
But let’s get back to humming with JOY, shall we?
Last month I did something new for my birthday and the result was so fantastic that I have to share it with you.
I asked some of those in my inner circle to send me a written blessing rather than a physical present. All voluntary. No arm twisting. No strings attached.
What followed was remarkable.
The stream of emails and cards began to arrive almost immediately. Wishes of pure love and inspiration from a lot of people – in fact some are still arriving as I write this (lol).
Words of gratitude.
Words of deep love and appreciation.
Words that reminded me about who I am at a soul level.
Words that inspired me so deeply that I was brought to tears.
But that’s not all...
On my actual birthday (Thanksgiving Day this year – Yay!) I awakened early, made my cacao, lit candles, put on music and began to read all of these blessings.
Within a short time, the magic began.
The love in these blessings began to permeate my body. A quickening that became a warmth in my heart, that expanded into every cell of my being.
I felt as though my inner Light was shining brightly. It was ecstatic.
I felt a deep sense of connection to everything, that lasted all day.
It was amazing – what a gift!
May we all be reminded this holiday season - as the darkest day of the year approaches, and so much that is horrifying is happening all around the world - that our inner Light, the Love in our hearts, and our nurturing thoughts and actions are a powerful antidote to all that is life-taking and draining.
This is a gentle reminder that there is enough Love in the world to heal the wounds of war.
For those of us who have the bandwidth to do more than simply survive, our job is to radiate deep Love and Joy.
And as you set that sacred intention to radiate the energy of Love to those around you in need, let your own light shine as brightly as you can. Do not hold back – you cannot do this wrong.
As you go through the holidays, please let your conversations be informed by Love as well.
The world needs this from all of us right now. and the cool part is that it will return to you exponentially as you radiate.
So shine on!