Presence Matters

A toddler lays on the floor while playing with a dog.

Communing with Joy and Gratitude

December 01, 20222 min read

A group of people of all ages pose together for a photo at a dining room table.

Thanksgiving here in the United States was a particularly joyful celebration for me this past month, full of gratitude for so much in my life. The group of family and friends who joined me for that day made a connection that felt sweet and deep – sharing food, conversations, and drumming; and, as the day wore on and we walked together and shared more, I felt so much gratitude welling up within me. It was a joy to drink in the love affair unfolding between Bodhi my Goddog and Sloan, my 2-year-old Grandnephew. Yes - those two ARE that adorable! (All photos were printed with permission.)

A toddler on the floor plays with a dog.Another view of Aa toddler on the floor playing with a dog.

There were people here I had not seen in years – and that I love deeply and have missed. There were also people who I see all the time yet somehow it felt really special to be gathering on that day.

My home was alive with this magical energy of being together again. At the end of the day, I was tired but so full of joy. It was as though I had somehow forgotten how to commune that deeply with those I love.

About a month ago, as I was co-leading an online community gathering the same kind of experience occurred when we all came together to hold space for one of us who was desperately in need of love, support and energy.

We felt the space between us come alive with a deep, rich connection that could be felt across the miles. We marveled at being able to create this with each other. When I spoke later to the woman that we were holding space for, she described feeling so full and steady for hours and then into days afterwards as she walked through the challenging family issues she was facing.

I feel as though I am reawakening to our potential as human beings with each other in community. I am committed to bringing this magic to all my gatherings from this point forward – in person and online.

We all deserve and, quite honestly, require this in our lives, in order to thrive and move on from these last 3 years.

If you want to experience some of this magic and commune together live online, then I invite you to join me for my Release and Renewal New Year Retreat on January 6-8th, 2023.

Joel Ying and I will be co-leading this event and we have some new wonderful new magic we have been stirring into the plans for our time together.

If you feel called to be there with us, register today and I look forward to making magic with you in the coming year.

Wishing you a wonderful, joy-filled holiday season.

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About the Author

Suzanne Scurlock, author of books Reclaiming Your Body and Full Body Presence and creator of the Healing From the Core® curriculum, specializes in conscious awareness and its relationship to the healing process. She’s written hundreds of articles, including numerous columns and features for Massage Magazine and Massage Today.

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